Posted: 2 Oct '17

How to Pick the Right Furnace Company for You

Furnace Company

Your furnace is the engine that runs your home. It keeps your family warm and safe in winter (and let's face it, we get a lot of that!) and it makes your home comfortable and pleasant to be in.

It's a very important piece of equipment, so there's no wonder you want to make sure you use the best furnace company possible. Here's how you can do just that.


The first thing you should focus on is accreditation, and this starts with something as simple as business licensing, and goes all the way up to individual manufacturer accreditation. This really is one area of home maintenance that you really want to be sure you're working with qualified people!


Another big factor in choosing a furnace company has to be the reputation of the company. If they haven't been around very long, or they can't give you references or testimonials from happy customers, they might not be the right company for you.


Finally, you want to work with a furnace company that specializes in heating, air conditioning and ventilation. There are generalists out there who combine this type of service with many other maintenance and repair services, but it's the difference between the walk in clinic and a specialist, and when it's your furnace, you want to choose the latter!

Look for the All Round Winner

The truth is, there's no single criteria that makes a great furnace company. It's a wide range of factors that will combine to create a company that offers the right balance of quality, service and price.

If you're looking for a local furnace company that offers all those things and more, we'd like to invite you to contact us directly. We're always happy to provide advice, information, quotations and the best quality workmanship around. A1 Heating has, after all, been a capital city region favorite since 1979, so we've got a lot of years on the competition!

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